Saturday, July 19, 2008

The only person responsible for your happiness is yourself. There could not be a truer statement. This world is full of people who blame their insecurities, lack of self-esteem and plain unhappiness on someone else. But when you point fingers, there are always four pointing back at you.I am responsible for my own happiness. I have to do what I need to do in order for me to live a fulfilled, nourished and productive life. Then why am I feeling such guilt about going after what makes me happy?

I have been given the opportunity to begin a new chapter in my life with the man I love who lives at least six states away. When the question was intially posed to me, I jumped immediately to yes. But the more I thought about what that would involve, I began to try and talk myself out of it. Usually, I can talk myself out of anything. And I mean anything. "It couldn't possible work; I have three children to think about; what would I do without my family so close?" I ran every scenario in my head and everytime, my fears and questions were washed away by the simple fact that because we love each other, it will work.

Now the guilt has set in. My children's well-being is my top priority. I would be moving my children from the only home they have ever known and away from the family that they have grown so close to. I worry that I am being selfish and putting myself and my needs before theirs. Will they grow to resent me and my decision to move them across the country away from all they're familiar with?

It comes down to the simple fact that if I do not take care of myself, I can't possibly take care of my children. Yes, my children are still young, but I need to take the leap and live my life so that I can be in a better state of mind to raise them to be the best people they can possibly be. Hopefully, they will look back and see that whatever choices I made in my life, I ultimately had them in mind.

I still run the scenarios of "what ifs" and each time I do, the guilt begins to lessen as my fears dissipate. No matter what a person does in their life that makes them happy, there will always be someone who is dissapointed. But I am learning that life is short and there are no second chances. Live life to the fullest and make your own happiness, whatever that may be.

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