Thursday, August 7, 2008 it is...

Throughout these blogs, I have written extensively about the love of my life. Baines, if you will. Baines is currently serving in the US Army as an instructor in Military Intelligence. As with anything military, his "job" takes him around the world quite frequently. (I don't like to call what he does a job. It's more of a way of life really.)

Now that things are getting more and more serious between the two of us, he has asked me to join him on this journey. Of course, in reading my blogs you already know that I have accepted. I knew going into a relationship with him meant taking on the Army lifestyle. The discipline, the order, the uncertainty of what the next day could bring. I know that it is something that I can handle, support my man everyday and do my best to raise our family, such that it is. That was until this past Tuesday.

Baines called me at work telling me he had bad news. My heart stopped as images of me kissing him goodbye as he boards a plane to Iraq flash through my head. Okay, so it's not Iraq, just Washington state. I'm speechless. I knew that he would get orders sometime but I wasn't expecting it to be this soon into our relationship. After a few minutes of stunned silence, he asks "Will you follow me to Washington?" How can I say no to the man I love? This is the life he leads and if I want to be with him, I will follow him anywhere.

As the day went on and the reality of what was happening started to sink in, I began to talk myself out of it. Anyone who knows me knows that I am damn good at doing that! I began listing all the reasons not to go.
1) It rains in Washington...alot!!
2) It's about 2,500 miles away from my family.
3) The extra stress on Baines.
4) Getting me, my kids and all our stuff to the other side of the country $$$$$$
Baines wants to continue his Army career and that means more schooling and time away. I would be left with the kids while he furthered himself and I knew that was an issue he was dealing with. He doesn't deserve that stress and I don't want to be the one to put that on him.

The one and only reason for me to follow him is simple: I love him and want to spend the rest of my life with him no matter where that may be. So, it looks like I am about to become a citizen of the great state of Washington. What do they call themselves anyway? It's a new adventure and a new life for us and our five (yes!! FIVE!!) children. Let's see where this takes us...

1 comment:

Mindi Henry said...

Oh My Gosh!! Washington?! Wow! In understand how you feel, though. I would follow Troy anywhere. I hope everything works out and you absolutely LOVE it! :)